2011 Renewable Auction Mechanism

San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) is issuing this Request for Offers (RFO) in support of its Renewable Auction Mechanism (RAM). This RFO is issued to solicit offers from eligible energy generators (Respondents). By responding, Respondents are bound by the terms of this RFO.

The RAM, approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in Decision D.10-12-048 (RAM Decision) and Resolution E-4414 (RAM Resolution), supplements the State’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), complements the California Solar Initiative, promotes small-scale renewable development and may present local employment potential in California. SDG&E’s RAM program incorporates the directives of both the RAM Decision and RAM Resolution. SDG&E designed and proposes a RAM program for the purchase of a total of 81 MW over a period of two years. The RAM program calls for SDG&E to procure the renewable energy capacity pursuant to 10, 15 and 20-year RAM Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with Independent Power Producers.

This solicitation is limited to seeking PPAs for a total of 20MW through the auction mechanism. This solicitation is not requesting bids for renewable energy credits, feed-in-tariff projects or other RPS procurement activities that exist or are being contemplated.

Winning Respondents shall enter into a non-negotiable PPA for bundled renewable energy deliveries from eligible renewable resources that can meet the criteria described in the RFO document (provided below).

Solicitation Documents

Respondents may submit up to two offers to this solicitation by submitting the forms listed below. Forms are available on the RFO Website. The failure to provide the listed information may result in the offer being deemed non-conforming and may disqualify the offer from further consideration.

The RFO (pdf)

Required Forms and Documents

Project Description Form (doc)
Submit one per project.

Pricing Form – please submit one per project

Baseload Form (xls)

Peak Form (xls)

Off-Peak Form (xls)

Note: Respondents may submit more than one pricing option per project.

Site Control Documentation

Copy of completed System Impact Study, a Phase I interconnection study, or results from the WDAT Fast Track process.

Model PPA (doc)
-The Model PPA includes some terms that provide options (e.g. 10, 15, or 20 year term). Respondent should provide a redline of the Model PPA that reflects the attributes of their proposed project by selecting the correct options. Terms that do not provide options are non-modifiable.

All offers must be uploaded to the RFO Website no later than Noon, local prevailing time, on the CLOSING DATE (see RFO Schedule). The Project Description Form and Model PPA must be in Word or Word-compatible format (not in PDF). The Pricing Forms must be in Excel or Excel-compatible format (not in PDF). The copy of completed Interconnection Study and Site Control Documentation must be in PDF format.

RFO Communication

All questions or other communications regarding this RFO should be submitted via e-mail to RAMSolicitation@sdge.com(link sends email). All questions and answers will be posted on this website anonymously. SDG&E will not accept questions or comments in any other form, except during the pre-bid conference. Respondents are encouraged to check this RFO Website periodically for updates, notices, and postings.

Pre-Bid Conference

SDG&E will hold one pre-bid conference. The pre-bid conference will be on October 27, 2011 in San Diego, California. Participation in the pre-bid conference is NOT mandatory in order to submit an offer. Please monitor this website periodically as the venue will be posted as soon as arrangements are finalized. Please limit participation to two representatives per company.

By October 25, 2011 any potential Respondent interested in attending a pre-bid conference should send an email to: RAMSolicitation@sdge.com. The email should include the following information:

  • Company name
  • Attendees' names, titles and contact information

RFO Announcements

Please check this website periodically as SDG&E will post all solicitation announcements, including scheduling changes or RFO amendments if any.

Register to Submit Offers

Any party interested in submitting an offer must register on the RFO Website and upload the offer.

To register, Respondents must fill-out and email an RFO Registration Form (available from the RFO Website) to RAMSolicitation@sdge.com(link sends email).

SDG&E will process the form and provide the interested party instructions necessary to upload offers.

A username/password combination will be issued allowing access to the offer upload link.

All offers must be uploaded to the RFO Website no later than Noon, local prevailing time, on the CLOSING DATE (see RFO Schedule).

If Respondents encounter technical difficulties with the uploading process, they should provide evidence of such difficulties (e.g. a screen shot of the error message) and email the bid to the RFO inbox by 1:00 p.m., local prevailing time, on the Closing Date.

If the Respondent encounters technical difficulties with both the uploading process and the RFO inbox, they should provide evidence of such difficulties (e.g. a screen shot of the error message or a “sent email” notice with a time stamp before 1:00 p.m. on the Closing Date) and submit a hard copy and a CD of the bid package to SDG&E and the Independent Evaluator at the addresses below by close of business on the day following the Closing Date.

San Diego Gas & Electric Company
Electric and Gas Procurement Department
Attn: RAM Solicitation
8315 Century Park Court, CP-21D
San Diego, CA 92123-1548


Barbara Sands
PA Consulting Group
1700 Lincoln Street Suite 4600
Denver, CO 80203

1 For additional information please visit: http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PUBLISHED/FINAL_DECISION/123021.htm(link is external).

2 For additional information please visit: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/NR/rdonlyres/D68F1B4C-D188-4F02-BF70-CC42BFBB0B71/0/E4414FinalResolution.pdf(link is external)

RAM Schedule And Deadlines

The following schedule and deadlines apply to this RFO. SDG&E reserves the right to revise this schedule at anytime and at SDG&E's sole discretion. Respondents are responsible for accessing the RFO website for updated schedules and possible amendments to the RFO or the solicitation process.





RFO Issued

October 17, 2011


Pre-bidders Conference

October 27,2011


SDG&E begins accepting bids

November 1, 2011



Question submittal cut-off date

Answers to all questions will be posted on the website no later than 11/10/11

November 2, 2011



Those intending to bid must register to receive a username/password in order to upload electronic ofers.

November 10,2011



November 15,2011



January 31, 2012



Letter due from Winning bidders indicating:

  • Withdrawal from SDG&E's solicitation OR
  • Accetance of standing as a winning bid; withdrawal of participating in any other solicitation and evidence of withdrawal notice to all other solicitors.

February 10, 2012


SDG&E issues appreciation notices to unsuccessful respondents

March 12, 2012


Executes PPAs for targeted 20MW

March 12, 2012


SDG&E submits Tier 2 Advice letter with PPAs to CPUC for approval

April 26, 2012 (45 days after PPA execution)


Anticipated CPUC aproval
(prior to any appeal and/or suspension)

May 26, 2012

Related Information

1.29 MB
36.63 KB
Project Description Form
Project Description Form
56.93 KB
Baseload Form
Baseload Form
56.64 KB
Peak Form
Peak Form
57.79 KB
Off-Peak Form
Off-Peak Form
176.68 KB
Model PPA
Model PPA